Looking to the past, investing in the future

The firm is built on the foundation of more than 1,200 predecessor institutions that have come together over the last 225 years to form today's company.

Rooted in both innovation and philanthropy, we trace our founding to New York City’s first water company in 1799. Our many well-known heritage firms include J.P. Morgan & Co., The Chase Manhattan Bank, Bank One, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co., Chemical Bank, The First National Bank of Chicago, National Bank of Detroit, Washington Mutual, The Bear Stearns Companies Inc. and First Republic. Each of these firms, in its time, was closely tied to advancements in finance and the growth of the U.S. and global economies.

Over the years, we have built upon this strong foundation to become a financial leader, a home for innovation and a powerful voice in support of global change.


History Timeline

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The Manhattan Company is founded


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The Hamilton – Burr duel


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The Legal Tender Act and National Banking Acts


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The Legal Tender Act and National Banking Acts


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Drexel, Morgan & Co. is founded


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The Panic of 1907


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Support for the Allies

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Chase Manhattan introduces the Octagon logo


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You Have a Friend at Chase
